Production facility at the OOO Gazstroy brickworks in Rjabovo

The dimensions of the expansive production facility at the OOO Gazstroy brickworks in Rjabovo, not to mention its implemented level of technology, stand as a milestone both for the Russian brick and tile industry and for Händle. This plant portrayal describes the preparation and shaping plant plus control technology for production lines A (for backing bricks) and B (for facing bricks and clay pavers).
Together with Händle, OOO Gazstroy has implemented an innovative showcase plant and taken a big step forward in the supply of high-quality small-format products for Russia‘s construction material sector.

The preparation plant of the soft-mud brick factory in Measham

Forterra is the new Name for Hanson Building Products and was, at that time as recent new construction brickwork, equipped with a HÄNDLE preparation plant.
For Forterra – as a customer-oriented enterprise – the basic prerequisites for the new plant were: optimally satisfy the needs of the market, and react quickly and flexibly to changes
in demand.
The Measham plant was designed for an output of 100 million BSS (British Standard Size) bricks per year, or 2 million BSS/week.



Plant Simulation Pobeda
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  • best technical solutions
  • consistent and reliable project management
  • absolute appointment security
  • high investment security for the building owner
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