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Group of companies and locations
Together with its parent company, HÄNDLE belongs to an international group of companies with locations in the USA, Australia, Germany, Poland and Hungary plus regional representatives around the world.
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HÄNDLE Visual Assistance App
With the device-independent HÄNDLE Visual Assistance App, you can be instructed and supported remotely by our experienced experts. At best, problems and malfunctions can be checked and remedied quickly and efficiently. » Visual Assistance App
Welcome to HÄNDLE in Mühlacker!
The new HÄNDLE hammer mills WHD are here!
With state-of-the-art technology and clever details, our HÄNDLE hammer mills WHD offer maximum efficiency and performance. Ideal for high throughput rates and top results in the fine grinding of mineral raw materials and other materials. Energy-efficient, maintenance-friendly and robust!
Discover with HÄNDLE the possibility to increase the efficiency of your shaping machines by new energy saving drive concepts. GREEN & ENERGY
Roof Tile Technology
LESS IS MORE – > 70% energy saving in the production of high-quality accessory roof tiles! Our HÄNDLE accessory press WEGA achieves phenomenal results, in direct comparison to the previously installed hydraulic press of the older generation. Learn more about the new generation of HÄNDLE turntable presses with energy-efficient drive concept. WEGA
HÄNDLE spare and wear parts
Our spare and wear parts are continually improved and accommodated to the latest technical insights. Original HÄNDLE parts are therefore known for their optimized wear behavior, long service lives and ease of handling for replacement. As such, they help maximize the availability of your machines (including those of other makes) while minimizing unscheduled outages. SPARE PARTS
Our expertise in mechanical processing technologies, such as mixing, extruding or dosing, has also made HÄNDLE products well known for technology-related applications.
STEELE has supported sustainable production for almost 140 years. They started in brick, then moved into metals and mining. A green future for your tough raw materials starts here.
Do you have any questions about our products?
Send us a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.